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Divine Feminine Power for Healing & Spiritual Awakening

Priestess of the Dove Oracle ~ Certified Priestesses 2016-2019

Certified Level 2
Dove Oracle Priestesses

Here are some of the wonderful women who have completed Levels 1 & 2 of the Priestess of the Dove Oracle Training through Seven Sisters Mystery School:


2018-19 Class

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Adrienne’ Thurmond. I had always been intrigued by the things I learned from my family regarding people of the Earth and our gifts. What I learned caused me to want to expand my spiritual knowledge. I also wanted to heal my family. Through intuition and dreams I was guided to Seven Sisters Mystery School. As a student, I was not only able to expand my spiritual knowledge but use what I learned to help others, from family members to friends and co-workers.  The experience was wonderful. Currently, I reside in GA and work as a Medical Technologist. However, I am looking to explore other options utilizing to the tools I obtained from Seven Sisters Mystery School in the future.

To contact, email here


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Amejo Wyn Amyot, Ph.D is a Dove Oracle Priestess, Shamanic Practitioner of 30 years, teacher and creative artist. Amejo uses her oracle gift to create wellness in being. Creating rituals to heal and honor mother earth is one of her passions. Her creative and intuitive art classes guide others to open to their own intuitive spark. She mission in this lifetime is to keep the healing traditions of women alive and to pass them on other women.

Her oracle gifts help clients to come to a place of well being in body, spirit emotions and mind. She has been a practicing psychotherapist 40 years.

For more info, visit here

star line breakAngelique Peigne. After more than 15 years holding senior positions in international corporations across the globe, Angelique Peigne currently focuses on developing her wellness consultancy in corporate environments (emotional intelligence, mindfulness), her sophrology and spiritual counseling practice (shadow work,angelic reiki teacher…) as well as advising start ups.

For more info, visit here.

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Belinda Haverdill, M.A., L.P.C.S., empowers you to awaken to your unique spiritual brilliance by supporting you in connecting and attuning to your Highest Self. Belinda’s heart centered intuitive wisdom promotes healing from the inside out. For more than 20 years she has been providing one on one guidance, women’s spiritual empowerment circles, workshops, and community ceremonies. Belinda supports you in tapping into your innate abilities as a spiritual being, clearing blocks and unlocking your potential. Belinda is a Certified Dove Oracle Priestess Level 2 and founder of Spiral Path Healing Arts Center.

For more information, visit here

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Connie Viveros. Along with her recent certification as a Priestess of the Dove Oracle, Connie Viveros received her professional coaching training from the internationally acclaimed Ford Institute for Transformation, and is certified in multiple Integrated Coaching Modules. She is also a Certified Passion Test Facilitator, Spiritual Intuitive and Master Channel of the Divine.

As a natural healer and spiritual growth facilitator, Connie is devoted to supporting individuals in their spiritual evolution and remembrance of their True Self. Connie has spent 10 + years helping hundreds of clients achieve a life that is free from emotional turmoil and limitation. She has successfully created the life of her dreams using the same program/s she now teaches—unlocking doors to create a life that feels authentically abundant, successful and balanced.

Today Connie offers a wide range of programs and services—from individual coaching, to large-scale workshops. Her personal passion is connecting with women who also believe they can and must make a difference in this world – starting with themselves. Connie is an inspiring public speaker on transformation and the published co-author of two books. An ordained minister, she has served as mentor, friend and inspiration to girls everywhere from her neighborhood all the way to the Masai Mara in East Africa.

For more information, visit here

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Debra Wade has studied Natural healing modalities for more than 35 years. Her hunger for truth drives her continually. She is passionate about Teaching Self-Empowerment which includes understanding our Chakra system including Chakra Clearing, Healing, Balancing and Upgrading. She has a natural ability to give Oracle readings which shed light on our inner knowing, offering gentle nudges toward getting to know and understand ourselves more fully. Debra loves to be nature, especially around trees and water.  
She has 2 dogs and a cat which are a part of her wonderfully large and loving family.  
She enjoys humor and lives with her best friend and husband of more than 37 years, David.

To contact, email here

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Joanna is one of our Level 2 Oracle students and lives in a hobbit-like home in a lovely English village just outside London – where we held our European retreat last year.  She was drawn to the Seven Sisters Mystery School after a spiritual awakening in 2017 which activated her desire to follow in the path of the ancient High Priestesses and open up to embodying the Divine Feminine.  By day she works in the private sector and is also Chair of a women’s domestic violence charity, and her ambition is to write a series of children’s fantasy novels about connecting with our Galactic Star Family and our Ascension into 5D.  If you’d like to know more about Joanna, you can read her blog here.

star line breakKatana Crow is a certified Level 2 Dove Oracle Priestess and a practicing Clairvoyant Soul Reader.  She is based in Portland, Oregon and can do readings to anyone from anywhere.  For more information or a reading, please visit her website here.

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Michelle Hughes. Greetings Dear Ones! Priestess of the Dove Oracle, Level 2 is a life transforming program.  I was a Sr.Analyst working in the Pharmacy Finance department in the corporate office for a large Health Care Organization when I began Level 2.  By the time I completed Level 2, I had quit my job, moved, and started my personal sacred career. If you’ve found your way here, feel the power in that! Please introduce yourself and say hello here.
xoxo ~ Shell

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Narayani Gabriele Bleffert is a Dove Oracle Priestess who has been practicing as a natural health practitioner, homeopath, hypnotherapist, shamanic energy practitioner, yoga teacher and workshop facilitator for over 30 years. Her deepest desire is to serve with all her abilities to guide people on their healing journey. And also to teach how to empower and love oneself, for the highest good of all beings and oneself.

For more info, visit here

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Wendy is an Earth Guardian, Priestess and Soul Healer, who developed her Oracle skills after a long career in environmental science. She now works with the Elemental, Fae and Angelic realms to bring divine wisdom, love and healing to the planet and all inhabitants. She enjoys holding ceremony to unlock and release traumas held in the land, and communing with animals to bring healing. She is guided to compassionately see where a soul is asking for love and light, and to help her clients understand and transmute shame, grief, anxiety and trauma so they can move forward in joy.

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2017-18 Class

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Carmen Nash is a certified Reconnective Healing Foundational practitioner and Priestess of the Dove Oracle. In her Charleston, SC practice she offers sessions focusing on energy work and intuitive Oracle readings, working with people one-on-one and through classes to help them re-claim their power and re-discover their inner guidance. She is passionate about living her best life and is committed to helping others find and follow their own inner wisdom to do the same.

For more info, visit here.

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Lisa Wechtenhiser is an oracle for divine wisdom, helping you learn to deeply trust your own inner knowing. With an unwavering trust in her abilities to receive guidance from the Divine realm, Lisa has been a professional intuitive for over ten years. She believes that we have everything we need to do our soul work already inside us. Her mission is helping you see what’s there and explore the possibilities now available for you. Lisa is known for her humor and warmth, just the right amount of tough love and her ability to get you focused and moving onto the next step of your path. She’s the founder of The Divine Trust Academy and a Level 2 Certified Dove Oracle Priestess.
For more information, visit here.
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Nicola D’Alonzo Prior to becoming an oracle, Nicola moved to Seattle where she spent 8 years engaged in a deep mediation practice. She became an ardent practitioner and a teacher of Kriya Yog. During that same time, she obtained a Psychology and Spirituality BS degree from Bastyr University.  Before that, she lived in Pennsylvania where she became a Reiki Master in both Usui and Karuna Reiki. For 10 years, she gave treatments and taught others the healing ways of Reiki. And before that, she was an avid horseback rider and trainer for 16 years. She rode horses from the time she was eight and as she grew up, she participated in many shows on the Quarter Horse Circuit while giving horseback riding lessons back at her home barn. Horses, healing and meditation all helped guide her on the path to where she is today, back in rural Pennsylvania creating a spiritual community and beginning to attract clients to her oracle readings. 


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Sumaya O’Grady, M.S. is a Dove Oracle Priestess who teaches her clients to make a powerful mindset shift that leads them to life mastery and accelerated spiritual growth. She’s been a spiritual teacher, mentor, and healer for over 30 years. Sumaya guides her clients to attune to the power of their divine source, and to free up their energy from the burden of old mistakes and resentments. Through her oracle readings, Sumaya provides her clients with deeper insights into their soul purpose, and many types of emotional and spiritual issues. 

For more information visit here.

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2016-17 Class

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Angela de la Agua has parlayed her training to become an Oracle of Sacred Living. Rooted in the desert of Joshua Tree, CA, she is devoted to nourishing others by sharing her life of ceremony, healing foods, divine wisdom, and radiant golden light.

She is devoted to a life of intention, finding the sacred in the mundane​ by​ creating ceremony in every moment of every day. Most days one can find Angela with green juice stains on her dress, cacao under her fingernails, desert sand between her toes, the sun shining in her eyes, and her laughter carried onward by the wind.

For more information, visit here.

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Colleen Burke
Colleen Burke, MA, L.Ac., has used her training to integrate guidance from other realms with science to facilitate profound healing in her clients’ lives. She has been practicing alternative healthcare (in person and virtually) for more than 18 years, using ancient and modern techniques to help sensitive, intuitive souls manage chronic illness and autoimmune conditions.

For more information, visit here.

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Melissa Darrington serves others as a Dove Oracle Priestess through private readings in which she connects with the highest guidance possible to help people access their own best answers.

For more information, visit here.

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Ariana Newcomer is a Dove Oracle Priestess who holds two coaching certifications. As an intuitive healer, energy worker, and voice healer since 1984, she specializes in healing the soul’s voice to joyfully express its divine purpose. Ariana’s work brings oracle readings, spiritual mentoring and energy healing together with voice work and sacred business coaching, for deep personal and business transformation.

For more information, visit here.

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