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Divine Feminine Power for Healing & Spiritual Awakening

Sex Abuse as Entity and Time Manipulation

TIME to say NO to the cosmic game

For several years now, I’ve received the message that sexual abuse is an energetic manipulation on the part of beings not native to the Gaiasphere. I’m shown that the sexual predation of children is not just a psychological condition that simply “develops” in humans as a result of bad childhoods or emotional dysfunction. Rather, it’s been deliberately inserted into our reality and, more problematically, our timelines, as I explain in what follows. That said, as with anything we experience, there’s karma involved, so this is not about another victim picture.

Take a Breath

I’ve been holding this information for years, but I’ve hesitated to share it in writing because of its controversial nature. As many have noticed, lately I’ve been writing more freely about radical topics. Encouraged by the validation from readers & emboldened by the courage of various other seers who are sharing what they are receiving, I’m herein offering this most “out there” of my posts. Please, once again, be advised to run it through your own filters. I’m not about creating false realities or have us getting stuck in painful ones. I’m simply sharing what I’ve been given with the intention of helping us all consider that a lot more may be going on than meets the eye.

The test of any channeled information is whether it rings true with intelligent, grounded, spiritually evolutionary people & whether it begins to make more & more sense over time, or whether it falls off the collective vine as a piece of misinformation.

So I’m willing to be wrong here. But I’m not willing to remain silent any longer. If what I’m saying resonates, go further with it. If it doesn’t, it’s not your medicine. Use your discernment & intuition.

Where Am I Getting All This?

This information has come to me in bits & pieces since 2003, when I visited a spiritual community claiming to use esoteric techniques to engage in time jumping. I subsequently received further information in dreams & open states of consciousness about both time manipulation & its relationship to sexual molestation. A few years ago, I did editing for a man who was writing about time from the quantum physics perspective. That work suggested to me that time, like matter, becomes paradoxical at the smallest intervals. That, combined with my own practice of setting intentions, visualizing & retroactively healing trauma gave me an understanding of the rudiments of time technologies myself. More recently, in my clairvoyant work with clients I’ve seen other aspects of what happens to people’s energetic fields when they are sexually molested as children, and I share some of that below, as well.

What’s My Motivation?

I wrote a few weeks ago here about addiction & many other so-called psychological conditions as being the result of entity possession, including sexual abuse behavior. It’s important to elaborate on the sexual abuse component here, because it has a particular history & agenda that gets at the core of our earthly challenges right now.

I’m sharing the idea that both recipients & perpetrators of child molestation may be the victims of entity visitations & time manipulations so we can say no to the game in a way that isn’t possible unless we SEE what’s happening on other levels.

Perhaps you’ll view this as an opportunity to wake up to the inter-dimensionality of our reality & assert your sovereignty in the cosmos as the divine being that you are.

Who’s Doing the Manipulating?

Many seers have been receiving information about interference by other dimensional beings on the earth plane for quite some time. Some of what’s being discussed publicly corresponds with what I’ve been witnessing & experiencing over the years, that human suffering is the result of a dance between our own need to heal at the soul level (karma) & the manipulations of larger forces that have been engaged in power plays, warfare & misuse of free will for aeons. I want to state right now that this line of thinking is not about putting the “blame” for our troubles on targets ever farther away. It’s about understanding how our energetic, physical & emotional vulnerability as incarnated humans can be played on. It’s about reclaiming our power in a new way, one that also has us take personal responsibility by looking at our own wounding, healing & karma in a new octave. As I see it, this is about our collective shamanic initiation.

What Is Time Manipulation?

Some seers talk a lot about the fact that certain selfish & technologically sophisticated interdimensional beings are manipulating our earthly timelines. This is a very challenging concept to grasp, because we’re firmly embedded in the notion a time as linear. A linear notion of time is the best cover that time manipulators have, because tampering becomes invisible under such circumstances.

Even when we open to the possibility that time is not linear – & that it can be toyed with – we find the concept mind boggling & difficult to entirely make sense of. Quantum physics is beginning to understand it scientifically & mathematically. For now, the idea that time is not a straight line needs to be understood obliquely, with a soft gaze from the right brain. Suffice it to say that there are apparently high-level technologies being used on interdimensional levels to manipulate timelines back & forth, and this affects everything from individual to large-scale earth & cosmic histories.

Being able to manipulate time means being able to create – or recreate – reality.

How Timeline Manipulation Works with Sex Abuse

Here’s what I’ve been shown. Situations where there’s loss and subsequent “traumatic recollection” of memories of sexual abuse offer the most obvious signal that these events in fact did not “happen” in our natural historical (organic) timelines, but have been seeded back into our memory fields by specific entities through a manipulation technology. Why the seeding? As I explained in my previously mentioned post, these entities obtain “food” from the fear & sexual energies generated during the abuse “episode.” Such energies can be indeed generated in the human “memory” retroactively. Whether the event happened in organic time or “injected memory” time, the same energies are aroused, thereby feeding these entities.

The problem is only growing worse on Gaia as more interdimensionals get into the game.

The “not knowing whether it really happened,” the “did I make it up?” the uncanny awfulness of having “forgotten” such heinous events – only to suddenly “remember” them – are all indications that one has had one’s organic timeline manipulated. Similarly, the awful silence and/or denial of the supposed perpetrator are similar possible indicators that a retroactive seeding has occurred. These people are brought into the drama in a very real way that they didn’t necessarily intend. (THAT SAID, it may well be that some indeed are deliberately practicing sex abuse in organic timelines, and some are outright doing it as a form of negative magic – a separate but related topic.)

In cases of inserted timelines emerging, well-meaning therapists & healers mistakenly encourage clients who “think they may have been abused” or are starting to have “memories” to pull out the threads of those memories & weave a full tapestry. 

This only serves to create full-blown trauma in the experiencer, and the energies of fear, sexual fetishism & depravity can thus serve as multi-course meals to the entities responsible. I’m shown that the better tack is to get a diagnosis from a psychic who understands time manipulation to have the memory line lifted out of your field. Don’t give it energy; just remove it. We need more practitioners to become aware of this phenomenon & to learn how to work with it.

Is All Sex Abuse Time Manipulation?

I don’t (yet) know. I do know of many people who feel they have had a consistent awareness of sexual abuse since they were children. So my sense is that for many, the abuse authentically began in their organic timelines. For others, however, the timeline was inserted. It’s critical to emphasize that experiences from an inserted timeline can be just as real as experiences from an organic timeline. The person with inserted memories is not “making it up.” You’ve just been given a “new history.” This is part of the mind twisting nature of the whole phenomenon.

I also do acknowledge the phenomenon of “repressed memory syndrome,” which can happen due to trauma in organic timelines. I don’t have all the answers. I’m just sharing what I’ve been shown. Whether organic or inserted, sexual abuse is a massive plague. The percentage of people who have been victimized by it is enormous & increasingly out of proportion to anything that could be considered “normal” disease statistics. The reason is because the nature of the phenomenon – entity possession, sometimes combined with time manipulation – is not even allowed to be seen in our reality. Thus more & more shenanigans can go on under the covers, so to speak. Again, time to open our eyes.

Implants that Keep Inviting Abuse

I’ve been shown that all molestation of children is initiated by entities, whether the timeline is organic or inserted. The entities enter into perpetrators to compel them to do the deed – & then leave some kind of energetic “implant” in the child’s lower chakras through inappropriate touching. This can happen whether there’s penetration or not. This implant is a kind of energy signature that can in some cases serve as a beacon for further abuse. It sets off the energetic equivalent of “blood attracting sharks,” which is why people sometimes end up being molested by more than one (possessed) person.

The presence of such energetic implants is also why some people who have been molested go on to be obsessively sexually active, often with abusive partners. They don’t realize they have an implant that’s constantly beeping “on” to attract sexual energy, sometimes from those with lower vibrational entities in their own sexual chakras. In this sense, molestation is the gift that keeps on giving to entities that like to feed off  the human family. Those who have been sexually abused can sometimes also have the entity from their perpetrator attach to them by means of this implant, and thus become perpetrators themselves. This is why we have intergenerational abuse. An added factor is that children who have been sexualized too early or by inappropriate people unconsciously learn they can get attention from others through their sexual chakras. They may unknowingly use the “on” implant to draw energy to themselves in imbalanced ways, mistaking sexual energy for what they’re really craving, which is love, caring & healing. The opposite extreme can also happen, whereby people who have been abused unconsciously attempt to disable the implant by closing down their sexual chakras. They may avoid sexual relating altogether or have difficulty opening them in an attempt to protect themselves.

The Attack on the Feminine

As many of us have been aware for quite some time, sexual predation corresponds with the Masculine & Feminine elements having come out of balance in the universe. In the most recent epoch, that has taken the form of a Masculine attack on the Feminine (although, as I’ve alluded before, there’s been misbehaving on both parts throughout eternity). Given that the sexual molestation plague affects primarily women, it can be seen for what it is: an attack on the womb, the microcosmic representation of the goddess herself.

Endless amounts of Shakti energy have been siphoned off by invading entities, sucking women drydiverting them from their mission of consciousness raising, and basically keeping much of the planet in misery. Who can identify? This is all part of an ongoing agenda to keep humans available as a food source for beings that are trying to survive just like any other.

And, as I discuss in the previously mentioned post, Addiction as Entity Possession, we must remember that we always have contracts & karmic ties with any beings who are attaching to us. So there are no victims, just people who are awakening to the game & saying STOP.

How Can We Start Healing This?

If you’ve experienced sexual abuse, consider whether the timeline has been organic or artificially inserted. Either way, you want to work with psychic practitioners who can help you first of all remove the entities, trauma field & any possible implants or energies that are still connected to you from inappropriate touching. This involves learning how to gain awareness of your second chakra and, if you are a woman, your womb chakra, which is separate but related to the second chakra.

You want to be in control of when these chakras are open & closed, and when you want to invite sexual energy to you & when you don’t. Then you want to solicit the support of psychic healers to see if they can work with you to remove the false time line altogether. This may also involve working on your own to change your timeline retroactively through visualization. Some of the work in mindfulness, which is instructing people to removing trauma by mentally laying on top of a traumatic event a scene of the way you wish it had gone, is very much a step in the right direction. I encourage you to experiment & empower yourself in this regard. Some psychic schools teach a practice known as “running timelines” at the higher levels of training. It’s a technique for releasing the traumatic charge from a past-life or present-life timeline. You might want to contact teachers in any such schools to see if they understand the technique & could work with you to extract or at least neutralize an inserted time line. I would be willing to explore this in private Skype sessions, as well.

In the process – & this is important for full healing – you’ll want to come to understand your karma in this drama. It is likely that these problematic entities are related to you in some way from past/parallel lives. This could be another entire blog topic, but suffice it to say that we’ve all been complicit in negativity at one time or another, and that’s one of the things we’re here to clear up.

I’ve been shown that the recognition of the operations behind the sexual abuse epidemic from both karmic & energetic perspectives will release a good deal of energy on the planet, which is now occupied in this drama on an ever-intensifying scale. This awakening represents one of the most important liberations of the post-2012 era. Through this recognition, we’ll be able not only to heal those of us who have already gone through such experiences, but also to prevent this phenomenon from occurring in the next generations. Such proactive work will need the collective, cooperative putting of our minds, hearts & souls together to see what’s needed. It’s TIME.

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In healing solidarity, Marguerite THIS WEEK: Tune in to my radio interview… Plant Medicine, the Goddess & the New Awakening Wed Oct 7, 2015 6–7 pm Pacific We’ll talk about… • What are visionary plants trying to tell us? • Where do women & the goddess figure into that? • How are women reclaiming plant – and planet – medicine? LISTENING OPTIONS: • LIVE on co-op radio CFRO 100.5 FM in Vancouver, Canada • Access the livestream here • Listen later here may take a couple of days)


NEXT WEEK: Tune into my internet radio interview on…

What Do We Know (& Want to Know) about the Pleiades as Seven Mothers of the World?
Wed Oct 14, 2015 5 pm Pacific Live online or listen later Join us in conversation about the human-Pleiades connection in ancient & modern beliefs all around the world.  Marguerite talks specifically about the Pleiades as 7 sisters said to have seeded large portions of humanity. Who are these 7 sisters, how do they possibly differ from other Pleiadian groups & what are they trying to tell us today? Marguerite shares her IN-sights as we collectively open our hearts, minds & spirits to these astral allies. TO LISTEN live or later, tune in here.

********** REGISTRATION CLOSES Oct 12 for…

Unmask Your Potential Daylong empowerment
Sat Oct 17, 2015  
A “spa day” of inspired guidance, community networking & great girly stuff needed to truly move into your potential.   Marguerite speaks on “Finding Your Inner Consultant”!   For more info, visit here. Mention Marguerite as your contact.

*************** Time to register for…   Spirit Plant Medicine Conference Oct 24-25, 2015 Vancouver, Canada Bringing strong voices to support inspired engagement with visionary plants as their influence spreads. Marguerite speaks on “Women’s Use of Sacred Hallucinogens in the Ancient World.” For info, visit here.


Seek a trusted, enlivening spiritual mentor or clairvoyant guide?

Contact Marguerite here to book a reduced rate first-time session. For more on what spiritual mentoring & readings with Marguerite offer you, visit here.


Sale webinar of the week… Transform Your Hell Using the Descent of Inanna & Gospel of Mary Magdalene to Navigate Life & Death  
5-session webinar for those who want to mine ancient guidance on how to live through difficulty – & eventually pass over to the Realm of the Ancestors – in a more empowered way. Now only 3 monthly payments of $77. Price includes a one-hour clairvoyant session with Marguerite! For info visit here.


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