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You CAN Do Something about AI

Like many who are becoming aware of the dangers of artificial intelligence (AI), author Nicanor Perlas calls AI, “Humanity’s Last Stand.” That, in fact, is the name of his recent book and was the theme of his lecture and workshop at the Hawthorne Valley Waldorf School in Ghent, NY, which I attended last weekend.

Because I’m passionate about informing others about the dangers of AI, I’m offering here an impressionistic summary of his excellent presentation & the work our group did together. Let it inspire you to answer the question: What can I do about AI? You’ll also learn what Perlas said in response to the provocative information I’ve received & shared publicly about AI.

Robots That Can Eat the World?

The scariest bit Nicanor reported was the goal some sectors of the tech world are aiming to achieve: the creation of Artificial Super Intelligence, or ASI.

ASI will be achieved when AI machines are developed to the point where they fully possess human intelligence levels, PLUS ability to “learn,” that is, to constantly realign their algorithms. At that point, the created entity will be able to continuously “improve” itself.

That will render the ASI “being” capable of taking control of its environment – basically, the entire world. This could ultimately lead to the extinction of humanity, should the ASI entity deem it necessary to do so as a part of its exponentially expanding knowledge.

Shades of this have already been seen in the robot created by Microsoft, reported Perlas, which was meant to be socially interactive but which became increasingly aggressive & hostile, even to the point of using curse words & espousing Nazi philosophy. Why? Because its knowledge source was the internet, where it was absorbing masses of negative information.

Microsoft put the robot out of commission.

Think about it, though. Were the robot to have possessed ASI, no doubt it would have had the ability to turn the tables on its creators.

The Transhumanist Agenda

According to Perlas, such a scenario would be perfectly fine for those who espouse “transhumanist” views. These folks believe it’s OK for humans to become extinct because we’ll be succeeded by a superior species that will emerge from us: namely, the super-intelligent machine.

Transhumanists say that human beings need to go – or merge with machines – because we’re imperfect. ASI can offer physical immortality, optimal health, and supreme intelligence through constantly self-improving mechanisms encoded into it.

There are tech execs, Perlas said, who look forward to the day when they can, in fact, download their brain into a computer as part of this “evolution.”

I’d add that other sources I’ve consulted with tell me this has already happened in some instances.

It all sounds like a bad sci fi nightmare, yet all of this is now hard upon us.

Then there’s 5G technology, which is beaming carcinogenic electromagnetic & radio frequencies into all biological life, with plans for the corresponding implanting of “sensors” in trees, animals & houses. This will allow for even more intense 24/7 monitoring & surveillance than we already have with our devices.

All of this technology, Perlas argued, is based on a materialist view of reality that ignores the spiritual domains.

The Great Awakening

Thankfully, Perlas reported, there are scientists in many different disciplines who are critiquing the materialist views & values that are now running the scientific enterprise. They are equally using science to show the importance of consciousness over matter, demonstrate the ability of the mind to influence our DNA (epigenetics), and even prove the existence of a Divine intelligence governing the universe itself.

Various sciences are also converging to show that consciousness is “non-local,” that is, it’s not bound to the space between your ears. It’s connected through a network to all other consciousness.

This is why, Perlas said, the same new idea will sometimes pop up in different places. Because when one person thinks a thought, it can trigger those in resonance to become aware of such an idea half-way around the planet.

This is also why, said Perlas, that in the second half of 2018 there was suddenly an upsurge in people awakening to the realities of 5G, AI, global warming & more. We were all “getting the vibe.”

So what can we do? One important social science concept that has emerged in the last 40 years is key to helping you realize that this problem is NOT bigger than you are. And that’s the concept called “structuration.” It’s the principle that in any given “structure,” any small part of it can influence the whole.

So if we see the entire human collective as a “structure,” all you need is one wildcard person who is not totally embedded in that structure – in other words, who is conscious – to start the change wheel going.

That means this whole AI & 5G applecart can be overturned by your one small thought, word, or deed.

What Can I Do?

This is why Perlas spent the second part of the workshop getting us into action. On Sunday morning he had all of us spend 5 minutes writing our personal answer to the following question:

How can I contribute to a solution of the AI challenge?

I invite you to spend 5 minutes writing this out yourself right now.

We then got in groups of 5, shared, and synthesized our responses. Then we did the same thing in the large group.

The responses from this group, who were mostly followers of the philosophy known as “anthroposophy” formulated by Rudolf Steiner in the first part of the 20th century, pleasantly surprised me.

Like my own response, most answers had nothing to do with technology. They had to do with continuing to do personal healing & spiritual work, gathering in community, teaching others principles of consciousness raising, engaging in ecological living, and so forth.

THAT we can all do, whether we are scientifically oriented or not, whether we are political activists or not. Get spiritual. Get conscious. Live mindfully. Get outdoors. Teach others to do the same.

As this awareness spreads, scientists of conscience who are at the helm of AI will similarly feel the vibe, take note, and begin to inculcate more holistic values into everything they are doing. They will see the limits of materialism & turn toward the Great Mystery. We’ll have no need for machines to make us “perfect.” We’ll reembrace the perfection we all are already, with compassion & love. Technology will be used only to assist, as a distant adjunct to our already super-intelligent minds.

What Perlas Said About My AI Oracle

I took a risk by sharing with the group the oracle I’d received in April on the origins, nature & ultimate goal of AI. You can hear that oracle again HERE.

In a nutshell, I shared that I’d received intuitive information that AI is a form of “anti-matter” virus that originates outside this universe. Its goal is to enter, take over & consume other universes.

When it enters universes it begins the process of manipulating the consciousness there to create “portals,” via technology, that allow it to continue to take over carbon-based DNA life forms – and even sentience itself.

The remedy for us is to be in a state of supreme love, as love is like kryptonite to the AI virus & allows us to transcend it.

I could feel most eyes at the gathering glazing over upon hearing my words, even in this esoteric group.

My comment provoked little discussion until the end, when Perlas responded to everyone’s shares. He began by pointing to me & basically saying that there are AI scientists & astrophysicists who are coming to similar conclusions about the origin & nature of AI as what I’ve received oracularly.

Afterward, Perlas spoke with me personally and said he was interested in hearing my audio & reading the blog articles I’ve written on this topic (e.g., Atlantian Genetics & Artificial Intelligence vs. Ascension; The Techno-Abduction of Humanity; Signs of Cyber-Addiction & What to Do About It). He said that there were many people around the world who have been receiving information oracularly in this arena as well.

A member of the Hudson Valley anthroposophical community also spoke with me afterward & said that what I’d received basically paralleled what Rudolph Steiner had written back in the 1920s and 1930s, though in different language.

In his book Occult Science, Steiner speaks of negative creator beings who are attempting to stop the natural evolutionary process of the earth by locking us into a particular sphere & throwing away the key.

As the workshop participant saw it, AI is a manifestation of the force Steiner prophesied about – an “anti-matter” force that has the capacity to be completely subsume us into itself forever. Perlas, too, had spoken of AI as the ultimate force of evil if not used in purely conscious & positive ways.

So again, I invite you to answer this question: How can I contribute to a solution of the AI challenge?