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Divine Feminine Power for Healing & Spiritual Awakening

What Reality Are You In?

The Amazing Role of Belief in Creating Your World

Plus… a brief channeled audio

My most recent ceremony was an astounding revelation about the multiple nature of reality/ies.

In other words, I was shown that there is no one “reality.” There are, in fact, an infinite number. And they’re all based on what you believe to be true.

Yes, I was shown that reality follows beliefs, and not the other way around.

According to this information, the world we think we exist in is firmly a construction of a series of overlapping, consensually held beliefs, which govern things all the way down to whether we experience matter as solid, whether we need air to survive, and so forth.

Think Neo in The Matrix suddenly plucking bullets out of the air. The reason he was able to do so was that he’d experienced a massive shift in his beliefs about the nature of reality.

This is what’s possible here on planet earth.

What a Mind Frick

OK, so I’d heard bits of this previously, here & there. But to get the whole enchilada of this concept DEEPLY, in one gulp… well, it’s kept me digesting ever since. It’s left the students in my Priestess of the Dove Oracle Training grappling, too.

You may say: What nonsense, there’s only one reality, and it’s the world in which we live, the world science says is so.

And, guess, what? You’re right. Because if you believe that, that’s the reality you’ll manifest. And you’ll find good company, because that’s the reality MOST of us have been manifesting.

A Mass Shift in Beliefs

Do you feel a (new) belief coming on? You wouldn’t be alone. I was shown that what’s happening with all of this “expansion of consciousness” stuff is that humanity is in the process of molting one set of beliefs for another.

According to this line of thinking, a massive shift in beliefs is what’s under all the talk about the move into 5th Dimensional Reality, claims of the existence of ET’s & other interdimensional beings, the presence of longstanding civilizations inside the earth, and so forth.

We – that is, SOME of us – are moving into a reality that’s about to get a lot more interesting & populated with all sorts of beings. Make way for fairies! (Yes, this is why it was so important for children to BELIEVE in the fairies in the Peter Pan story. Because doing so makes them come about.)

Why Believe Negative Things, Then?

How radical are you willing to go with all this? I was willing to take it as far as “I can get with the reality that matter is not solid” and that I could create any reality scenario I wanted.

So then I thought: Why would I want to believe in – and create a world of – hostile possession entities, negative alien abductions, mind control of human beings, cabal/illuminati orchestrating the planet, etcetera? All the things I’ve been studying & even speaking about for years.

In other words, if the principle holds true for one thing, it holds true for everything.

There was a certain humility that came over me with that one. You mean… I don’t get to have fun dabbling in creepy stuff?

What I was shown was: There CAN be value in holding beliefs that manifest troubling realities. In fact, that’s why certain pockets of humanity are manifesting all of the ET visitation & disclosure realities, among other freaky things.

The value in manifesting challenging new realities is that they bring a certain level of spice to life. Let’s face it, with all of the Cartesian reductionism & rationalism that’s rendered our world a 3D realm bereft of magic, WE’RE BORED.

It’s far more exciting to call in space beings, even if they’re hostile reptilians, than to eat Cornflakes & live a 9 to 5 treadmill.

Can I get an Amen, anyone?

How to Approach Negative Realities

So… a lot more of us are going to be seeing interdimensional visitors, secret government corruption & alien abduction being exposed, nature crumbling, and more. Why? Because we WANT to.

What’s in it for you, if you do? I was shown that the point in creating any reality through beliefs is to test yourself. Manifesting any reality, and particularly a difficult one, gives you the opportunity to face it in the best, most conscious way possible.

In other words, when worked with properly, drawing in negative realities is a powerful means of advancing your spiritual growth. What’s the presence of hostile alien life forms, negative magical manipulations of humanity, or benevolent inner earth beings calling you to do? What’s the soul lesson for you?

Of course, it’s about facing all of that with equanimity & love. It’s about seeing it but not putting too much emphasis on it.

Calling in enemies & predators is about integrating the duality within yourself.

Will “not believing” in negative things make you immune to them? Maybe. Maybe not. Persuaded by “new evidence” that’s demonstrated to you through conversations, public revelations, the media, or your own guides, you may find yourself an unwitting, but nevertheless willing, participant in co-creating new worlds that aren’t so brave.

For you’ve incarnated at a time of massive belief shifting. And that’s precisely why you’ve jumped in again to the earth plane at this time. It’s beyond exciting.

So… What Do You WANT to Create?

If you agree to believe that your beliefs create your reality, and that this applies at all levels, then… what’s your blue sky, green grass, interstellar fantasy? How about…

• I believe I can heal myself spontaneously.

• I believe I can heal others by simply touching them.

• I believe fairies & elemental beings are just on the other side of the veil to work in partnership with humans.

• I believe all of us can raise our vibration & interact in ever more loving ways.

• I believe we’re all moving into 5th dimensional consciousness.

• I believe we can restore the environment through organic means.


What beliefs will result in your own most profound life experience? Take some time to consult your inner guidance and write down the highest-level new beliefs you want to embrace. The more you believe something’s possible, the more you manifest it. Get radical.


The Mystery of Water; a Brief Channeling

And, here’s some more belief expansion for you.

I got on a roll last month in session with my client Belinda Haverdill, who is creating her new Relational Soul Therapy practice to help people heal their relationships with themselves & others so they may thrive. We received a divine transmission on the nature of water & how you may work with that magical elixir in spiritual ways to benefit yourself & the planet.

To hear Marguerite’s brief divine transmission on the esoteric properties of water & how to work with it for your benefit, click on the image below (& then click again when you’re led to the blog post):

video image


To contribute your thoughts to this post, comment below.

With love,
Marguerite (Dove)


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Cultivating Yourself as a Priestess

Cutting-edge tools & teachings to support you in stepping up as an evolutionary Sacred Woman.

Protection for Spirit Workers & Awakening Souls

Learn a variety of techniques to become immune to negativity, establish your sovereignty & develop your own higher consciousness.

Reclaiming Our Starry Origins:

Cosmic Womb Power to Guide Your Sacred Path

Powerful slide journeys based on Marguerite’s unique research & shamanic experience:

• Awakening to the Cosmic Womb: Reclaiming Earth & Universe as Virgin Mothers

• Reconnecting with the Seven Sisters of the Pleiades

• The Sacred Bee: Portal to Astral Consciousness & Prophecy

Transform Your Hell:

Using the Descent of Inanna & Gospel of Mary Magdalene to Navigate Life & Death

Ancient wisdom from Magdalene & the Goddess Inanna on how to live through difficulty –– & eventually pass on to the Realm of the Ancestors –– in a more empowered, destiny-changing way.

Gods We Trust:

Dionysus, Asclepius, Jesus & the Gifts They Bring

Evocative slides & guided journeys exploring 3 positive male divinities known to help humanity: Dionysus, god of sexual healing; Asclepius, god of psychic & physical healing; and Jeshua/Jesus, god of soul healing.

Keeping Your “Spirits” Up:

Teachings for Those on the Sacred Path

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Claiming Your Divine Feminine Power:

Course for Women Who Want to Transform Themselves & the Planet with Spirit

Get the inner strengthening, spiritual empowerment & outer support you need to Be the Change & Make the Change in our world, without adding more to your plate.

Developing Shamanic Power as a Man

Tools & teachings to help men become sacred world servers & evolutionary spiritual voices.



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