REGISTER for May 11 Online Event: William & Marguerite, Mother Mary ~ Pleiades & Parthenogenesis

Divine Feminine Power for Healing & Spiritual Awakening

Holy Woman, Human Woman

Confessions and Revelations from Our Mary Ceremony

With a recording of my talk on the meaning of Mary’s “Assumption” as a female ascension mystery (see below!)

First, an honoring of the Shadow.

I held light so high that perhaps a crash was inevitable for this healing soul of mine in a world of duality. It was the prep & follow-up to the Way of Mary ceremony in Tiburon, CA, that got to me.

When you’re a priestess, the glory hour is about one-tenth of the actual experience. Here’s the rest of the breakdown: planning, phone calling, emailing, planning, meeting, meeting, meeting, emailing, re-planning, traffic copping, herding (cats), dealing with human wound-based dynamics & shortcomings, packing, schlepping, schlepping, schlepping, corralling, setting up, breaking down, cleaning, putting away.

I don’t know about you, but, true confessions, in that mix I get triggered, oh, about a million times. My wounds from childhood get activated at a time like this, challenging me to come from my heart. Sometimes I don’t achieve that goal, no matter how spiritual I am to be.


Clearly, Mother Mary was ratcheting it up for me big time as I co-produced this event, a celebration & resurrection of the full-spectrum Mary on the occasion of her Feast Day of the Assumption.

Penetrated to the Core

And now, the Light.

Some of our Sacred Ministrants (from L) Joy Reichard, Laurie Healy, Arni Thorvaldsson, Jenna Cohen, Michael Melchizedek, Diana Melchizedek, Christy Michaels & me


What I can say is this: We did reach the beauty place. In the container we collectively created, we went deeply into the heart, deeply into our healing, deeply into wholeness without any need for barriers.

Co-producer Christy Michaels, who conceived the spark of the event with Diana Melchizedek, is a master at giving permission for real things to happen in ritual. And the ritual was real.

People stepped into the Bridal Chamber, the alchemical place where we become whole. There, they received a transmission from holy woman Diana Melchizedek.

As I shared that evening, Diana had unknowingly been preparing since childhood for this coming out. She had been receiving blessings, messages & empowerments from the Goddess of Ten Thousand Names, through the prism of the Blessed Mother, for years. And this was her time to pour forth the blessings to others, which she did with true power & grace.

Michael Melchizedek, her husband, a profound shamanic practitioner, protected the Bridal Chamber energetically.

Before entering, people received a beautiful rose-scented water blessed created by Heather Angstadt & lovingly ministered by her & Seven Sisters Dove Priestess Lillie Falco-Adkins.




Upon leaving the Chamber, people fell into the arms of Christy Michaels & me for an anointing & transmission of unmitigated, unadulterated, unconditional love. They were seen, held, accepted. Christy & I were in that very true space of grace. I thought: THIS is why I do this.

Dan Craig-Morse & I helped people deepen their understanding of the evening by speaking about the mysteries of Mary’s ascension, the return of the lost Sophia, and the mystery of the Bridal Chamber.

You may hear my talk, Divine Birth, Divine Death: Mary & the Female Ascension Mystery – A Pathway into Our Own Divinityby clicking on the image below:

Holy Woman


Jenna Cohen stirred the energies through beautiful dance & the passing around of light. Dan, along with Denise RuelasSabenah Elizabeth Will Chang provided sacred music to accompany our journey.

Seven Sisters Mystery School Dove Priestesses Maura McCarley TorkildsonJoy ReichardLillie Falco-AdkinsRenee MoritzSarah LewisKalyani Khandro & Laurie Healy lovingly greeted participants & guided them through the journey.

Dove Priestesses (from L) Sarah Lewis, Renee Moritz & Kalyani Khandro

A Rapturous Reminiscence:

Here’s one participant’s loving & poetic sharing of her experience:

Mother Mary came to me last night. I was cradled in her loving lap, embraced in my familiar & withered self pity. She doesn’t care about that stuff, she has released all of that & I want that too.

A sister greets us at the door, wafting sage smoke, murmuring a welcome, a kiss on the mouth, as we do in families.

In the sanctuary, a table set before us, chalices, candles, amid images of the Ancient Holy Ones, our forever family. We are here to celebrate the feast of our great, great Grandmother.

Through a dulcimer’s melodious threading of the air, we sit, we hold hands, whisper in reverence. We wait. Now bells, now dancing. A blue veil slices the room into shadows.

A man speaks, he is breathless, pauses to regain his voice. We breathe as one, with him, for him, through him. I forget his words, but his presence remains.

A woman speaks, the lilt and cadence of her voice, which could be reading the label on a milk carton, is so sweet, no matter what she says, I am comforted.

A tap on the shoulder invites me to stand – a hand in the small of my back holds me in place until I am beckoned to the blessing bowl. A moist rose petal is pressed into my palm. All night it fills my hand, a cool kiss in my lap.

I am seated in a throne in the bridal chamber, amid candles and more Holy Family portraits.

A Goddess fluffs the air around me, reminds me I am in a body after all.

I am anointed on my forehead amid a whisper of words I do not understand. The fragrance lingers till bedtime.

Another voice whispers thank you, to me. To me! For my being alive and nothing more. I am enough. I am filling up now with, what is that? Love? That old mystery, no longer a word, is now Me.

I sing songs whose words I don’t know but my soul remembers. I do not weep because my heart is so full of light and the warmth has dried the tears before they could arise.

My feet have melted. I float into the darkened parking lot, alive with cricket song. I drive down the hill. Across the bay, lights of strangers’ homes wink a good night.

On the freeway, the car in front of me suddenly swerves and like the southbound geese, I honk. I say thank you Goddess, thank you for this life.

Last night Mother Mary came to me and we sang.

Let it Be

At the end, when we collectively sang Paul McCartney’s Let it Be, we could feel the hard-won love coursing through us. Let it be: the wisdom of knowing when to act, when not to, and how.

It is my deep desire to be a benevolent, wise leader. Mother Mary, please lend me your grace in this. Holy Sophia, you who embody the beauty of the light & the terrors of the shadow, please help me weave my light & dark into wholeness so that everything I do, I do it with love & grounded wisdom.

Let it be. And so it is.

In humility,

Many thanks to Celestine Star for the lovely photos above!



Join Marguerite & friends for the…

Fall Equinox Retreat in Sedona
A Life-Changing Experience in a Super-Charged Atmosphere!

Sept 22 – 25, 2016

Cathedral Rock Lodge, Sedona, AZ

A divine activation to upgrade your DNA & raise your vibration, led by 13 sacred women pioneers!

For info & to register, click here.

Let Suzanne know you heard about it from Marguerite!


Book Talk & Signing

with Raymond L. Rigoglioso

Sun, Sept 18 • 2 – 4 pm

Fountaingrove Lodge
4210 Thomas Lake Harris Drive
Santa Rosa, CA 95403
Now that marriage equality is the law of the land, what’s next for the LGBT movement? Hear Raymond Rigoglioso talk about his groundbreaking new book, Gay Men and the New Way Forward, proposing an exciting vision & timely answer to this question.

For more info, visit here 


Enjoy Marguerite’s TWO Interviews on VoiceAmerica!

Suzanne Ross interviews Marguerite on her online show, Lighten Up! In these TWO fascinating videos, the dynamic duo talk about:

• Marguerite’s personal journey with death & the Goddess

• the current rise of the Divine Feminine

• the Universe as Uterus & the BIG BIRTH

• parthenogenesis & the feminine teachings of the Pleiades

• how divine birth was a living practice on planet earth beyond just Mary

Watch Part 1 HERE


Watch Part 2 HERE



Discount on Webinars thru Aug 31

Receive a $25 discount on any of the following webinars by applying the coupon code SUMMERSCHOOL in the online shopping cart.

OR… contact us via email here to buy any TWO webinars & get $100 off the total price.

Click on each link for full information & to purchase:


Cultivating Yourself as a Priestess


Protection for Spirit Workers & Awakening Souls


Reclaiming Our Starry Origins:
Cosmic Womb Power to Guide Your Sacred Path


Transform Your Hell: Using the Descent of Inanna & Gospel of Mary Magdalene to Navigate Life & Death


Gods We Trust:

Dionysus, Asclepius, Jesus & the Gifts They Bring

Keeping Your “Spirits” Up: Teachings for Those on the Sacred Path

Claiming Your Divine Feminine Power:

Course for Women Who Want to Transform Themselves & the Planet with Spirit

Developing Shamanic Power as a Man


Remember, each one includes a 60-min session with Marguerite!