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Divine Feminine Power for Healing & Spiritual Awakening

What Does It Mean to Be an Oracle

…And Why Is This So Important?

What IS an Oracle, anyway? As I see it, an oracle is a person who has opened their consciousness to the point where they can regularly, reliably & safely receive deep-level information from the realms beyond 3D. Some people call this being a “channeler,” but I like the original word, Oracle, because it evokes all the honor of the priestesses of old.

It also connotes “Holy Woman,” and this is more fitting, because serving as an Oracle is one of the most sacred priestess roles there is.

And yet…accessing divine information is actually our Goddess-given natural state, no titles needed. But owing to the layers of conditioning & other impediments heaped upon us that tend to prevent such access, becoming an Oracle seems like a lofty ~ and sometimes unattainable ~ thing.

It’s not. Becoming an Oracle requires no special abilities. It just requires interest, willingness, commitment & good guidance.

I can attest to that in my own life, as can many of the women who have taken the Priestess of the Dove Oracle Training. Many of us began accessing what I call Divine Sophia Oracle Wisdom from ground zero.

I wasn’t a born psychic. I really only started opening to my abilities through courses in a psychic school, aided a bit here & there with sacred medicines. The tools I learned enabled me to advance to the place where I could give psychic readings to others.

But the turning point to becoming an ORACLE came when I realized that I was going beyond the clairvoyant “seeing” emphasized in the training to access living streams of information in my open state. From that point on, starting in 2012, I began doing public oracle sessions, in person, online & as a regular part of the classes I offer through Seven Sisters Mystery School.

Serving as a public oracle means I was opening spontaneously to information that I was accessing for the audience, and I was able to address audience questions from that deeper state of knowing, what I call my Goddess Self State, or Dove Oracle State. (More about “why Dove” another time!)

I’ve seen a similar trajectory with learners who have taken the Priestess of the Dove Oracle Training. While some have entered the program with psychic or channeling experience under their belt, others have entered the program wondering if they really WOULD be able to access the Divine Sophia Wisdom stream.

Level 1 usually dispels fears about that, because you’re given the primary tools to open your knowing, and you’re given activities that allow you to prove that to yourself! Level 2 brings on layers & layers more of the opening of the crown & third eye, which has stunned most participants. These processes really work, if you put the time in!

Both newbies & women more experienced in giving readings have all had their Seeing & Knowing profoundly upgraded & amplified through the Priestess of the Dove Oracle Training. Any unhelpful psychic habits have been released, blocks have been cleared & confidence has blossomed!

Many of the women who have graduated from the Level 2 program have gone on to become readers & public oracles. Others have used the training to enhance their intuition and knowing as therapists & healers. Some have integrated the Sacred Information they can now receive on a regular basis as fuel for their writing, artwork, teaching & more.

Everyone has come away with a sure means of accessing answers to their pressing personal, professional & spiritual questions. Even taking Level 1 alone has advanced people’s seeing & knowing dramatically.

Why You? Why Now?

The Universe, Divine Sophia, is calling all of us now to awaken into our true wisdom, our true knowing. There’s no more time to pussy foot around. With everything that’s been going on in our world the past year plus, we know: THE MOMENT HAS ARRIVED. It’s time to awaken, open, clear ourselves, access Divine Feminine Knowledge & put it to work in our lives & in our world.

It’s time to gain our tools, gather in community, receive our mentoring, feel the blessings of the Divine Mother, get strengthened, and usher in the turning of the New Earth.

You are warmly being invited to be part of the great awakening by being part of your own Great Opening. The Priestess of the Dove Oracle Training is a beautiful means of doing that. We hope you’ll join our circle for 2021-22!

Find out more & register for Level 1 HERE.