REGISTER for May 11 Online Event: William & Marguerite, Mother Mary ~ Pleiades & Parthenogenesis

Divine Feminine Power for Healing & Spiritual Awakening

Removing Negative Energies from Your Life





Are you…

~ Experiencing what feels like some kind of psychic or emotional attack?

~ Feeling you can’t get traction in one or more areas of your life (like you’re somehow “cursed”)?

~ Concerned that someone has sent significant negative energy your way?

~ Literally seeing, sensing, or hearing beings in and around your space?

~ Struggling with symptoms of schizophrenia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, border line personality disorder, etc.?

~ Battling any kind of addiction or compulsion (regarding alcohol, drugs, sex, food, self-harm, shopping, hoarding, etc.)?

~ Suspect or know your sleep time or dream space has been invaded by unfriendly beings who have used you somehow (including sexually)?

~ Have memories, “dreams,” or current experiences of being “taken (even sucked) out of your bed,” frozen in place upon waking, engaging in battle with beings, etc.?


If any of the above issues are true for you, then by landing on this webpage you have come to a place where help is available.

Humanity is in a time of mass awakening to the reality of beings in other dimensions. Some of them are friendly, and some of them are not. The unfriendly ones are involved in all of the above issues.

This need not cause panic, because ultimately you are a sovereign being. Anything that has come into your space that is not desired can be removed and sent to the light. What is needed are awareness and intention.

Rather than seeing unwanted visitations as a terrible affliction, consider them to be part of your spiritual awakening. The time is now. You are needed to be a clear vessel of higher-level consciousness in the world, and you deserve to have a life that feels good.

Whatever you have suffered has happened for reason, and those reasons can be cleared now, as their purpose has been served.

Through a comprehensive, compassionate process I have learned from Karl Mollison – combined with knowledge I have gathered through spiritual initiations and direct transmissions from the realm of guidance over the past two decades – I am able to help you release unwanted beings and energies from your personal space (and your home, too, if needed). I also provide tools to help you keep your space clear permanently.


I do this through the Removing Negative Energies from Your Life program, which includes several steps:

~ An initial consultation so we can together tease out what has been disturbing you and understand how meddling spirits are involved.

~ A Soul Clearing and Healing Session (gentle but powerful entity release process done together online via Zoom).

~ A follow up consultation several weeks later.

~ A webinar, called Protection for Spirit Workers & Awakening Souls, which teaches you more about how negative energies are presently operating on planet Earth, and how you can upgrade your vibration and avoid any further entanglement with negative beings.

~ A second webinar, called Transform Your Hell: Using the Descent of Inanna & Gospel of Mary Magdalene to Navigate Life & Death to help you better understand the role of karma in your life (which is always the cause behind spirit meddler attachment), and how to release it. It also assists you in working with personal descent journeys in your life to mine the gold from them for this and future lives.

~ A daily meditation to help you keep your space clear.

~ OPTIONAL: a clearing of your home or location (also done together online via Zoom).

This program complements any other therapy or treatment by getting to the root of the issue and the karma involved. It results in the removal of ANY type of spirit attachment, as well as energetic cords, contracts, spells, curses, limiting “blessings,” or anything else that is interfering with your life.

It also provides you with a roadmap and assistance for any further healing that’s needed on the emotional level to keep your space clear.



To determine whether this program is right for you, we recommend that you start with the initial session with me, which you can book here:

If from there you decide that you’d like to go ahead with the program, we will upgrade you to the payment plan as follows:

~ First monthly payment: $127

~ Second monthly payment: $347

~ Third monthly payment: $347

From there, you can add on the following service IF NEEDED:

Location or Space Clearing Session (done remotely): $250

In certain cases, I will also consider doing a remote clearing for a loved one without them being present, but only after you and I confer.


What Can You Expect from a Clearing?

See the testimonials below to see some examples what a clearing can do for you.

Katie Condon 1

“I feel like I have a whole new life at this point. After the clearing, so much has opened up. I have completely lost this craving and addictive feeling that has been gripping me and holding me back for so long. It has just sort of vanished. I feel so much more ‘okay’ and safe in being here and in who I really am. A new life that I’ve been wanting for so long. An immense spaciousness. Like I can finally move forward.

“Relationships that have been strained for years and years have shifted for the better. Negative patterns I’ve been stuck in for so long have been truly broken up. I have had some pretty intense anxiety over the past few years in intimate relationships as well as social settings and I feel so much more at peace with myself and the world around me. I am able to not feel so overwhelmed and overstimulated.

“I am able to trust more deeply to my inner guidance as my meditations have deepened and I feel my guides around me more. I can see my empathic nature as a gift now. My physical body feels so much lighter and clearer. I am actually listening to my body and giving it proper nourishment. I’m finally beginning to allow abundance into my life. I am opening my heart to intimate relationships and conversations with others that I haven’t had before. I am finding my voice for the first time ever. I could go on….!”

— ­Katie Condon


Raveina 1

“It is with great gratitude that I share my journey over the last month since our clearing session. Having been plagued (and I mean that word exactly) with the burdens of repeated traumas, both physical and spiritual, with all the many tools and techniques I have to use and have helped so many others with, I had reached a point of near and complete defeat. While it may sound dramatic, I can honestly say that I had reached a place of someone reaching for their last opportunity to breathe again….and I scheduled an appointment with you.”

“Thankfully, the Mother’s hand was at work, as you had just completed training in something that was THE thing I needed of which the below journal can attest. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the role you have played in the reemergence of this Priestess. May all who need it benefit from this work, and may we always remember to reach for each other in our times of need.

“Here’s a chronicle of my experience after our Soul Clearing and Healing Session: 

DAY 1: Tired, need to rest, felt a general sense of recalibration happening, a desire to go inward but there weren’t the normal looping thoughts, mental grasping, obsessive desires, or mental anguish…just space, like nourishing rest.


DAY 2: Things that would normally anger me either didn’t or the charge dissipated before it could hook in and get me amped up. More clear minded. Thinking about goals/projects felt more joyful, not burdensome. Experienced deep desire to nourish myself with exercise and improved nutrition.


DAY 3: Easily exercised, felt generally smoother and more appreciative of life all around me (trees, plants, etc)…more present, not just rushing through my day. Experienced an increased inner resolve to approach life from a place of ease rather then obligation and strain. Huge shift in orientation to life happening…from habitual and pervasive struggle to more creativity and ease.


DAY 5: Continued daily exercise. This part is remarkable because I have dealt with such pervasive chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia for over 15 years that I have not been able to exercise in YEARS. While my financial situation hasn’t shifted yet, I don’t feel panic around areas where I need/want money. I have an overall equanimity about it that it will all resolve and shift in right timing, as opposed to feeling stuck in poverty hell indefinitely. This has relaxed a tremendous amount of tension I was carrying regarding my work in the world, allowing such explorations to have more ease, creativity, and flow.


DAY 6: I felt like I was “backsliding”… was aware of mental grasping, racing thoughts, hyper attachment to electronics, anxiety…was combative with my husband. Employed the sovereignty statement multiple times today.


DAY 7: As I was driving my son to school today, though, suddenly old images of the toxic house (entity infested) I grew up in flashed in my head. I started to feel ties to that vortex of hell (literally what my family and I have called it for years) dissolving. I eventually was able to pull myself fully out with the tools you gave me: asking guides for help, employing sovereignty statement, filling my space with golden light and placing my protection symbol. When I woke up, I once again felt calm, clear, smooth…like I had been feeling in previous days.


DAY 9: Noticing some purging happening with my husband. He has been more combative with many of his patterns surfacing. What is of note is that he is moving through is pattern faster and coming to clarity about issues quicker. Each day that passes I have more energy, oftentimes waking up quite early, fully charged, whereas in the past no amount of sleep was enough.


DAY 14: Noticing flushing of old, limiting thoughts and the taking back of power experiences playing out with my husband and children. Tensions will surface, but are moved through quickly, and there seems to be a theme of each them feeling more confident and bold.


DAY 16: My health has continued to improve. I have noticed I just can’t eat processed food the way I used to (but I also don’t want to). It’s like my entire system is operating on a new level. All systems are running cleaner, and my intuitive readings are even more sharp and accurate. There is a general sense of being “in the flow.”


DAY 19: I’m noticing an influx of creative ideas and a stronger capacity to collaborate and trust the flow and unfolding of events. Seeming crisis situations hit (car issue that required expensive repairs), and my response (note: not “reaction”) was calm, with a knowing it would be taken care of. Within 1 hour the situation was resolved with all parties involved in the resolution happy with the outcome. It is literally like my field has become more open to immediate intervention when needed, and my system has softened enough to allow it in. So very thankful.


DAY 21: With some very big weights cleared from my life, today was a day where I could just feel in my bones that I was now in a completely different energetic stream….the old story is just done. I am at peace with myself and the next steps of my life. I am really and profoundly OK now, and I am honored to have the opportunity to breathe each breath, no longer silently wishing for this traumatic life to be done with. Today was my embodied experience of a complete fresh start.”


 — Raveina Rowan


To determine whether this program is right for you, we recommend that you start with the initial session with me, which you can book here:

With love & blessings for your best life possible,
